How many of you have heard people saying, "You’ve got
to have a new mind" or "a new perspective?" It's difficult for
anyone to have a new perspective when the reality in front of you is different.
How do I have a new perspective when I am in debts, when my husband/wife is
unfaithful, when I am unemployed, and and.... Having a new perspective doesn't
necessarily mean you ignore what's in front of you but you simply acknowledging
the fact that life on it's own is not a straight line of unchallenged successes
and things don't just happen to you because you are bad person but they happen
so that they can help you see something in you that's been hidden by the
cluster in front of you.
Many years ago when I was found out I was sexually abused
and that I was not a virgin, it was as if my life had hit rock bottom. I found
out this after 2/3 years when the whole community was calling me a prostitute
simply because I was smoking. I think because in the olden days people were not
really used to women smoking, and women smoking back then was related to
prostitution. I was 14/15 years when found out this, yet my life turned around
to being something I have never imagined. The reality was simple, I was forced
into making decisions that would save both families (my family and the family
of the rapist), I also had to decide whether I continue living my life as I
used to or changed. It felt as if I was forced to be an adult at the young age.
While people at age 14/15 are still kids and enjoying
themselves, I was a kid forced into adulthood. I wanted to turn into being a
man, men could smoke but no one ever named them prostitutes. My virgin was
taken away from me without my consent “by a man”. So situations really favoured
men, and I wished I could be re-born as a man so that my past could change. But
my wishes could not become my reality. And I lived my life like that for many years.
I was in denial; I was hurting, angry, confused and full of unforgiveness. I
attracted the same type of people in my life, my relationships and my career.
Angry people who wanted revenge, hurt people whose mandate were to hurt more
people and everything else was a mess.
Like everybody else, I’d ask myself and God “why me?” what
have I done so bad that my life would turn to be the way it was. Have you asked
yourself that question? Well, after many years of living in turmoil I figured out
one secret to living a life full of abundance. That secret was to have a new
mindset and change my perspective. I found out that the only information I had
in my mind was information that was bad, bad memories, bad encounters;
everything was bad. And most of these bad things were done by people (well I
thought); there was never a time I accepted that I also had a hand in whatever
was going on in my life. It had to be other people and not me. He raped me,
they called me names, they demoted me, they took my money but there was never a
time when I was part of these bad things.
It was simple, it’s either I let people control my life or
my view of what they did to me was wrong. So I read the bible, the most
interesting chapter in the book of Romans 12:2 “Do
not conform to the pattern of this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s
will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” What are the patterns of the
world that’s been referred to here? The patterns were exactly what I used,
blaming others and allowing their evil ways change the person I was meant to
be. I had to renew my mind by being actively involved in my day-to-day life, taking
responsibility of my own life, actions and feelings. I started reading books, attending
classes and going to seminars. That helped me a lot because I was creating the
life filled with memories I wanted. I learned to forgive people who’ve hurt me,
intentionally or not. I have learned to forgive myself, and to learn new things
and unlearn things that were not of any good.
I cannot forget that I was
sexually abused, or called a prostitute or that I once almost lost my job
because of a selfish boss who was pushing her own mandate. I honestly cannot
forget, but I have forgiven all these people and forgave myself too for letting
them control how I used to see myself and my future. Today I wake up knowing
that I am strong, solid, secured and amazing and I know who I am and what is it
that I want. I am living a life now that is on purpose and intentionally
creating what my heart desires.
Have you walked the same path
as me or perhaps you are going through what I went through? Let me remind you,
no matter how painful it is, you are the only one who can save yourself from
that mess by changing your attitude, perspective and focus. They said what you
focus on expands, so if your focus is on bad things, guess what? Bad things will
continue happening to you more and more. Sit down and do your little home work:
List all the
things you are grateful for in your life right now.
nothing new can come into your life unless you open yourself up to being
Write down what
you want.
(If its
money; write down the exact amount you want. If it’s a job, describe it, describe
your boss, your colleagues and the salary. Be clear about what you want)
Have a vision
board. The bible said, without a vision the people perish… Proverbs 29:18
pictures of the things you want to have, paste them in a board and look at them
every day)
Do your daily
affirmation of the things that you want.
(If you want
1 million dollars or rands; begin to say, I have 1 million in my account. Visualise
it. Feel it in your being. Don’t say you will have, say it as if it’s there.)
Beware of your
words and thoughts, if you have a bad thought, cancel it with a positive word.
Read and finish a
book, attend a seminar or a class.
All these will be your new way of living, if you
commit to this lifestyle, your life will also change. For more, order my book Confessions and The Journey to learn about the physical work you can do to your
body in order to get what you wish for.
Cell: +2771 147 2389
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