We need to stop relying on people for our own success; we also need to stop blaming people for not making us successful. We are a perfect creation with all perfection and without fault and yet with the same perfection some do not find the use for it and some find a good use for it. A human being was created to have a mind, two legs and two hands for a purpose and reason.
Why do we always see the need to complain that people never did what they have promised to do.
Your parent, your sisters, your neighbours, friends and the ruling political party, the list is endless.
They are human beings just like you and I; they cannot be blamed for our situations and circumstances. The ironic part is we are all created in the same way and we need to stop blaming them for the things we are capable of doing.
If you are not educated it doesn't mean that you won’t be successful and it doesn't mean that you don't have the skills and talents to make a better living. In life we all aiming to have the same thing, we all have a common goal and that's becoming rich or wealthy (successful). Yes, we have our own way of defining riches and wealth but in our own knowledge we know where we want to be. Success doesn't come to you; you have to move from your comfort zone, using your skills and talent trying to become a greater and better person you can be. Being successful means falling and rising up many times.
In most cases we want to blame our parents for not funding our studies, we want to blame politicians for not giving us jobs; we want to blame our bosses for not grooming us and everybody else. I believe we are better than that; we are bigger than our excuses! We can do better regardless of where we are from or the colour of our skin.
I know we are surrounded by lots of negativity but if we can focus on one positive thing (becoming great and impacting lives) then we will be the greatest people we want to be.
But it also boils up at these questions:
What do you want?
What gives you
passion and drive?
What will it take
for you to get there?
you want it so bad the truth is you will achieve it.
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